The Monroe Abby. A Saturday Walkabout
Downtown Phoenix, AZ. 2/10/2018 This walkabout was very similar to my first ones I did. I had a place in mind I wanted to visit, so it...

Black Sheep, End of Year Walkabout
12/31/2017 Tempe, AZ Instead of focusing on the entire walkabout, this time I'll concentrate on a particular aspect of it, which was one...

An Alley Downtown. A Saturday Walkabout
Downtown Phoenix, 12/16/2017. As sunrise comes later in the morning during the winter season, I'm being able to manage an hour more of...

Indian School. A Sunday Walkabout.
12/1/2017. Phoenix, AZ "You got to stay open" I heard on a podcast today in a conversation about creativity and self-discovery. I hadn't...