Musings about the path and inspiration
I sometimes ask myself how inspiration works and I find it a curiously layered phenomena. I've walked this path frequently over the last year and I have noticed the same object has called to me on different occasions to take a picture, so I know that inspiration doesn't necessarily has to do with the new and undiscovered.

Two independent layers I noticed this time, one within my control and the other not so much. One is the desert flora often times cycles through different stages of life and death which inspires reflection on life's cycles I'm general and of the creative cycle in specific. I find myself looking into this image and contemplate upon the need of the creative to weather through dry seasons to find inspiration once again. Then my thoughts dwell on the fact that it is also the fact that I have showed up on this path frequently over the last year that I have found these teachings the desert has to offer the craft, giving me the last layer... I need not seek inspiration, I just need to show up and walk the path for inspiration to find me. This one is a rather long one and I appreciate those of you who read it through. Thanks! 😊