Starting off 2018. A Saturday walkabout.
Downtown Phoenix, AZ. 1/6/2017
From their vantage points, stretching their sleepy wings and enjoying the gathering warmth of sunrise, the birds look down upon the wakening neighborhood. Humans, such strange creatures.. What's that one doing in the trash alley with a camera in hand?

...humans usually only come back here to discard items that have lost their usefulness or novelty. Apart from the occasional human collecting some of these discarded items, they usually avoid these alleys...

He walks around, not even picking any of these items up for himself, but just looking this way and that, aiming his camera randomly at the objects, across the rooftops and at the sky.

What strange animals, I guess when you're stuck on the floor without wings, you develop strange behaviors. Spending an hour in this alley, he has moved on, with little to show for, other than the images he captured in his camera.

Andres Gonzalez